Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Shumpseat Monasleaza

Caitlin, I am very glad to have you on board with us!!

Today, I really don't have anything to say...
So I will let this video someone shared with me, speak for itself.

Oh! No, I do have something to say.... If I get one more gosh darn parking ticket I am pushing my car off a bridge.
The End

Thursday, April 9, 2009

It's Raining, It's Pouring

I always knew I did my best thinking on the toilet, but who knew I also did my best knitting there as well!
And I love the bathrooms in Anderson Hall. The lighting is nice (which is good for the knitting) and the toilets are comfortable! Also I used the handicapped bathroom which is great because it is like your own private knitting room. It is spacious and has it's own sink, which you can use as a shelf. I use the toilet paper holder to hold my extra yarn, so the whole setup is just great for knitting.

Okay so I never finished this entry and it is now a week later, but I'm just going to finish now.
Today was beautiful. My favorite thing about the warm weather is the ice cream man! It's great to hear him on the streets again.
Also it seems that you find more change on the ground when it's nice out, I'm sure it's just because more people are out. But I sure have been taking advantage of it. The other day I found an change purse filled with all silver coins, it was just fabulous!

But today, was especially nice because I found the crafting section of the library, which really opened my eyes to all the things I need to learn how to do.
Such as:
gem cutting
working with fibers
oh and so so much more!

Which brings me to a book that I found amongst the craft section, Vegetable Soup Activities.

The book was not on Amazon but I found other links about Vegetable Soup, which is apparently a PBS show, and the book that I found is a manual for parents. When I was paging through I happened upon a chapter that instructs parents how to teach "Black American Slang" to their children.
They call it a "secret language" and list words like "groovy" and now I wish I could remember more, but they were all ridiculous.

There is the intro for the show which aired from 1975-1980.

So is this show as obscure as I think it is? I've never heard of it, but the intro was pretty cool.

Just one more thing before I end this.
I was sitting on a bench after class today and a guy comes up to me and asks if he can draw a me a characature. So I ask how much? And he says nothing. So I say okay, then he says he has to keep it.
First this seemed weird because he was wearing a seashell necklace.
Then most people wouldn't ask you if they can draw a characature of you, they ask "May I sketch you" or something like that. Right?
So he sits down and I ask him how he wants me to look. I meant to say where do you want me to look, but you know...
And he says "Sexy" and I say "I don't think I want this characature anymore" because that was weird. But he starts to draw anyway.
I ask him if he is an art student and he says no and then if he goes to Temple and he says no. He was so weird!!!!!
I was so annoyed with him by this point, and he had only been sitting there for like 2 minutes and then he says he's done.
And it looks like shit.

Julie A. Bare

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Lucky Day

So today! Phew!
It has been so nice, actually it has been a good week, minus a few things.
First it has been so nice!
And I found a convinced a guy that the coin purse he found full of silver coins was mine!
And I found a cell phone with really cute cat pictures on it!
Sam and I also found a Rita's card with one stamp which is exactly what we needed for a free Rita's.
We also found a wonderful cd- Fisherman's Christmas Carols. It truly is a wonderful cd. I recommend it. It's easy to pick up the words so it is an instant sing-a-long!
I found 2 nickles today and a penny! And I photographed some pigeons that I was feeding, which will be on flickr.
I also overheard a wonderful conversation....
Girl 1: He had hickies all over his hand I'ma beat her ass.
Girl 2: Omg I have to make a call...
Girl 1: As soon as I have this baby I'ma beat her.
Girl 2: He had hickies on his hand?
Girl1: Yeah and they was in bed together and he had hickies all over his hand! I'ma kill her when the baby comes out.

Then I went to PFCU to deposit my $235 check!!!!!!!!!!!
Some cranky old crazy lady was behind me yelling about how slow the tellers were moving and then she goes up to the lollipop bowl and grabs two HUGE handfuls of lollipops, no shame. And her daughter asks her for one and she says "No get your own", so she does, picks 2 and then the crazy lady says "That's all you wanted?"

Ah, and the day had hardly begun :)8:)

Julie A. Bare

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Day 2

Today March 24th is Missy's birthday! Happy Birthday Missy!
This morning started off wonderfully I woke up on my own at 8:00, but ever since I got up I have had to pee so badly but the toilet our floor is broke and I don't want to walk downstairs because there is some construction man here and I can not figure out where he is but I know he's in here somewhere. 
I was greeted by a lovely text right as I woke up though. Abby dreamt last night that we were here in cute little shops and we were running through walls like in Harry Potter at Platform 9 and 3/4th. But one wall had the block on it and we had to use the door. And the I showed Abby the beautiful dresses I made out of pictures. And Brian may have been there, but it's debatable. 
What a lovely dream. 
Ah but now I have to keep on doing stuff, something really exciting is bond to happen right?
Julie A. Bare

Monday, March 23, 2009

First Blog EVER

This is all very exciting. 
I can't wait to start documenting my life on here.
I know that the site is under construction right now but just bare with us because once it is done it will be fabulous.
I want to give a big 'bare' hug to Sam because he is lovely and amazing for birthing such a wonderful idea... for me to have this website and for creating it (he really is wonderful)! Which I know will be great because I found $7 today!!!!!!! Can you believe it?
Any suggestions on what to do with the money?
I'm probably going to buy some now and laters and double bubble. At $0.10 I feel like I am really get a lot out of that $7.
So now just a look at things to come:
whats in my purse
cat videos
favorite cats
family cats
stray cats
recent purchases
book reviews
sims cheat codes

Loving you-
Julie A. Bare